How will Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani hand over the government to Imam Mahdi if the ruler of one of the Islamic countries accepts his proposal and invitation? Does he have contact with Imam Mahdi? What is his execution plan?
The only thing that prevents Imam Mahdi from appearing is his fear for his life. If this fear is removed by the gathering of hearts and hands to support him, he will appear without the slightest doubt. This does not require contact with him. Rather, anyone who gathers hearts and hands to support him will have him appear, even if he is not in contact with him. Therefore, Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani is trying to gather hearts and hands to support him, and he does not claim to be in contact with him. It is clear that if one of the Muslim rulers answers his invitation and helps him, the desired outcome will be achieved more easily and quickly, but how can they do that?! They have taken their worldly power as their god, while they are heedless of the Hereafter; as Mansoor has pointed out in one of his letters, saying:
Why did those who had power on the earth not invite toward Allah’s Caliph on it or give him their wealth and weapons so that he would have power on it like them?! Did they fear that their power on it would diminish?! They will inevitably lose all their power on it when Allah’s Caliph comes to power on it, to the extent that the happiest of them on it will be one who pastures the sheep of his father’s village! Is there not a ruler on the earth who would sell his kingdom on it to have a kingdom in Heaven? Indeed, Allah can take away the kingdom from them by force, but He likes that they surrender it to Him willingly.[1]
Based on this, if one of the Muslim rulers declares his willingness to step down from power and hand it over to Imam Mahdi, while establishing the necessary conditions, laws, and guarantees for it under the supervision of an independent and trustworthy scholar like Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani, it will make room for the advent of Imam Mahdi. This can be achieved in every Muslim country, and undoubtedly, any Muslim country where this is achieved can become a refuge and a haven for Imam Mahdi, as well as the starting point and center of his government. Naturally, any Muslim country that takes the lead in this matter is considered a pioneer in goodness and gains the merit and honor resulting from it, thus receiving many worldly and otherworldly privileges after the establishment of Imam Mahdi’s government, ﴿وَذَلِكَ هُوَ الْفَوْزُ الْعَظِيمُ﴾[2]; “and that is the supreme triumph.” Therefore, Muslim rulers must hasten to this matter and compete in it if they believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment and desire good and well-being. They must not be like the rulers of Iran who were the first to deny and prevent it out of their foolishness or hypocrisy, thus becoming the most wretched and the most lost of people in the world and the Hereafter!
In any case, the withdrawal of Muslim rulers from power and its transfer to Imam Mahdi is inevitable; because it is impossible for two rulers to coexist in one country, and Imam Mahdi’s rule must encompass every country on Earth in order to fulfill what the Messenger of Allah has promised regarding it being filled with justice and equity. This means that Muslim rulers will part with their rule, willingly or unwillingly, sooner or later, so that Imam Mahdi’s rule can be established. Therefore, Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani advises them to do so willingly and immediately to be more beneficial for them in the world and the Hereafter. They should accept his advice and cooperate with him to prepare the ground for Imam Mahdi’s rule before Allah humiliates and disgraces them; as Mansoor has addressed them in one of his letters, saying:
O rulers of the earth, you who brag about your authority, boast of your armies and weapons, and think that you will rule forever! Fear Allah for Whom the rule is befitting, Whose authority has established the world, and Whose armies and weapons have filled the heaven and the earth; because if He wills, He will have you vanish into the earth, in such a way that your fossils will emerge from it after a thousand thousand years, then they will not be known from the fossils of reptiles!
He has indeed buried numerous nations before you in the soil or submerged them under water, but rather He has exterminated civilizations and made continents disappear! Where is the Mesopotamian civilization, which is the origin of legends, and where are the glorious kingdoms of Iran and Rome?! Where are the builders of the pyramids of Egypt and those who placed huge stones on each other as if they were small bricks?! Where is Atlantis, the lost continent that they think once existed?! Where are lost people that none but He knows their fate?! Did He not destroy Nimrud, throw the house of Pharaoh into the sea, or remove Aad and Thamud from the earth and those that seven kings would prostrate to them and five hundred slaves would carry their thrones? While they had high necks and broad shoulders and would give away gold and jewels, prepare great armies, strut on the earth, and sing: “We are stronger and higher in rank, and who can overpower us?!” So He overpowered them and rubbed their noses in the dust, in such a way that beetles swarmed their flesh and dogs urinated on their bones!
So now what has encouraged you against Him to not submit to Him when I invite you toward Him to submit to His rule, then you do not pay attention to me when your mouths are laughing at me?! Are your planes but flies that fly, your missiles but mosquitoes that bite, and your armies but ants that move?! Your palaces will collapse by one earthquake, your cities will be flattened by one storm, and your traces will be wiped out by one flood! Which authority will save you, and which army and weapon will benefit you when fatal diseases spread among you, your water sinks into the ground, or your oil and gas wells dry up?! What will you drink if it does not rain any longer, and what will you eat if plants do not grow any longer?! Where will you go if plagues take over your houses, and how will you sleep if terror seizes you?! How will you calm your children, and how will you console your women?!
Do you think that no harm will come to you if you do not surrender to Him or no evil will befall you if you do not submit to His rule?! Death will surely overshadow you, but something that you will like death more than that! You will tear each other apart and make clothes from the skin of each other! Fathers will cut off sons’ heads, and sons will eat fathers’ flesh! There will not be a chaste woman nor a trustworthy man in all the city, for all will be adulteresses and thieves! You will crawl in filth like worms and wade through the mud like pigs! You will revile your fathers and mothers and spit in the faces of your brothers and sisters! You will disbelieve in Allah and mock the Day of Judgment! You will prostrate to Satan and sacrifice your lives for stomachs and private parts! Hatred will burn your bodies, and anger will diminish your souls! One of every two persons will be crazy, but it will not be known which one he is! Your soil will smell like feces, and your water will be the color of urine! The heaven will cry out, but none will listen to it, and the earth will vomit blood, but none will look at it! Until you drown in your filth and are transformed like corpses into salt! This is your best fate if you do not surrender to Allah, and this is your best end if you do not submit to His rule!
I warn you against this fate so that you will not suffer it, and I frighten you of this end so that you will be saved, but it appears that you are firm in ignorance and do not take my warning seriously; like a child playing with fire or a madman running toward a lion! You say to yourselves: “Who is he, what does he say, and what is the rule of Allah?!” Then you turn away while laughing! Soon you will know who I am, what I say, and what the rule of Allah is when the volcano of His wrath becomes active, the lava of His punishment erupts, and the smoke of His vengeance rises into the air, darkens your world, and turns your laughs into cries and your cries into wails! On that day, you will know me, remember my words, curse yourselves, and say: “How ignorant and heedless we were, and how much we lost and became miserable!” …
Now, O rebels! Wait for destruction; because I said to you, “Allah is coming, so move out of His way,” but you did not do so and said, “The way is wide,” so He will inevitably step and trample over you, then you will not be found except under the soil and among stones and roots![3]