Saturday, July 27, 2024 AD / Muharram 21, 1446 AH
Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani
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Translation of the letter:

His Excellency Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani wrote in a letter to one of his companions:

“In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Most Merciful

O my brother’s son! I advise you to fear God in secret and in public, and to remember Him frequently; because remembering him frequently is a protective shield against sins, and I advise you to know religion and understand its beliefs and rulings; because ignorance of its beliefs leads to misguidance, and ignorance of its rulings leads to disobedience, and whoever is more knowledgeable about religion is more capable of performing it, and I advise you to hear and obey those whom God has appointed over you; because hearing and obeying them is the source of prosperity in the world and the Hereafter, and good and in the interest of Muslims, and I advise you to not consider your taste as your belief nor make your opinion part of your religion; like those who wrong people on this basis and try to spread corruption on the earth to eliminate what they hate and achieve what they like, whereas what they hate is not worse in the opinion of God than what they like. Never be of those who are satisfied with themselves and angry with others; because they are not loved, and never be of those who suppose they are better than others; because God knows best those who are better than others. Always be humble like soil, and do not be stubborn like stone; because soil was blessed because of its humbleness, whereas stone was cursed because of its hardness. When you do something wrong, do not try to justify it; because justifying it is another wrong action, but rather confess it so that you may be forgiven; because God forgives those who confess and considers liars those who justify. Be happy with the advice of advisers, even if it appears difficult, and beware of the flattery of flatterers; because the advice of an adviser is like a dark cloud with thunder, from which the source of life rains, whereas the flattery of a flatterer is like a fatal poison mixed with sweet juice. You are one of those in whom I have hope; so increase your knowledge and action, and know that no man from among you will be considered a helper of the Mahdi until he is the most knowledgeable and the most active man in his region.

Peace and God’s mercy be upon you”

To read the letter in original language, click here.
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