Monday, Fabruary 10, 2025 AD / Sha’ban 11, 1446 AH
Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani
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Translation of the letter:

Abdullah, the son of Habib, informed us and said: Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani wrote to me in a letter, after praising Allah and sending blessings upon the Prophet and his family:

As for what comes next…

O Abdullah, son of Habib! Know that salvation is the end of pious people, and piety is the title for Allah’s worship, and Allah’s worship is obedience to Him, and obedience to Him is to perform the obligations and to avoid the prohibitions that He has stated in His Book and the Sunnah of His Prophet. Thus, the servants of Allah are the pious who do righteous deeds, speak the truth, and forbearingly refrain from what is forbidden; those whose hearts tremble with the fear of Allah and settle down in their places in hope of Him; those whose lips have dried due to frequently mentioning Allah and whose stomachs have got thin due to successive fasting; those who have freed their souls from the trap of passions, and upon whose faces the dust of humbleness have settled; those whose hearts have been purified by the remembrance of death, and to whom the world has been made insignificant by the remembrance of the Hereafter. Concern for their duties has robbed them of sleep, and paying heed to rights has stopped them from eating. They feel at ease with that which people are averse to, and they are averse to that which people feel at ease with. They know they will soon depart to another world and must make provision for this journey. They know that a long way lies ahead of them and that they must cross steep passes; a way whose travelers never returned, and steep passes that seemingly swallowed their wayfarers. Oh, how close today is to tomorrow! Thus, they weep at the thought of this journey and prepare for it; as if they are breathing their last, or as if they have died before they die!

O Abdullah! They knew the world and measured it, thus finding it a worthless product and turning away from it.

O Abdullah! Know the world as they did, for he who knows the well does not throw himself into it, and he who knows the poison does not drink it.

O Abdullah! I introduce the world to you. The world is like a woman whose bride price is death, or a dishonored prostitute whose payment is disgrace. Beware! Do not take her as a wife, and do not sleep with her; for this treacherous one has killed her husbands and plundered their inheritance, and it has put her lovers to sleep and stolen their wealth. Beware! Do not let her tempt your heart with her adornment, and do not let her deceive you with her coquetry.

O Abdullah! I introduce the world to you. The world is like a well that is dried up or polluted with filth. Thus, do not cast your bucket into it, and do not use it as your watering place.

O Abdullah! I introduce the world to you. The world is a rotten ladder that cannot be leaned on; or it is like a snake’s hole, where whoever has put his hand in has been bitten by it; or it is like a carcass that attracts hyenas and gathers flies but repels lions and disgusts humankind.

O Abdullah! The world is a woman who does not give birth, a tree that does not bear fruit, a cloud that does not rain, and a shade that does not last. Beware! Do not rely on it; for relying on it is relying on the wind, and making friends with it is making friends with a wolf, and who can be friends with a wolf?!

O Abdullah! Do not love the world, for the world has abandoned those who loved it the most. If you have any doubt about this, look at your predecessors; those who were with you for a time, and today, there is no trace of them. Think over their stories and learn from their end; for they were humans like you, then death grabbed onto their necks, graves swallowed their corpses, and time wiped out their traces. Do you think what befell them will not befall you?! How so?! While many of them were stronger or wealthier than you, yet their strength and wealth did not benefit them, and their end was that they fell into the abyss of death. Beware! Do not let association with the living make you neglect the dead, to the point that you compete with them in acquiring wealth, building houses, buying tools, taking wives, and indulging in pleasures; for the living are the dead of the future, just as the dead are the living of the past.

O Abdullah! How many sleepers never woke up, and how many departed never returned, and how many sick never recovered. Indeed, whoever lives dies, and whoever eats is eaten by earth.

O Abdullah! Do not be heedless of death, for death is not heedless of you, and prepare yourself for it, for you do not know at what moment it comes to you. Abandon long hopes, and do not follow what your self desires. Do not rejoice in the world turning in your favor, nor be saddened by it turning against you. Take your reins from Satan and hand them over to Allah’s caliph on Earth; for Satan leads you to the fire, and Allah’s caliph on Earth invites you to Heaven.

O Abdullah! Those who disobey Allah are not the helpers of the Mahdi. His helpers are those who avoid major and minor sins. They rise at night for prayer and spend the day seeking knowledge and teaching it to others. They believe in the promises of Allah and fear the Day of Judgment; the Day when they stand before their Lord and find what they did present.

The helpers of the Mahdi are imbued with the morals of the Prophets and disciplined with the manners of the truthful. They submit to the truth when it becomes clear to them and turn away from falsehood when it is exposed to them. They are neither bigoted nor stubborn, nor foul-mouthed nor given to babbling. They do not fabricate lies against Allah and avoid those who fabricate lies against Him. They perform prayer at its recommended time and spend from their wealth on the poor. They restrain their anger and forgive the wrongdoings of people. They treat their parents with respect and patiently endure their ill temper. They do not disrespect their friends under the pretext of friendship, nor do they wrong their enemies on grounds of enmity. They go easy on the ignorant and do not dispute with the foolish. They are not given to excessive talk, laughter, sleep, or eating. They hold the reins of their lust and do not neglect the aspect of modesty. They are not lustful in their gazes, nor lacking in shame, nor self-displaying, nor given to idle talk. They do not ally with the wicked, nor do they keep company with the unjust. They occupy themselves with beneficial deeds and do not waste their time. They find comfort in the Book of Allah and know the lawful and the unlawful. They do not deny the teachings of the scholar nor oppose him; rather, they answer his invitation and rush to help him when he invites them to the Mahdi to unite them in his support.

O Abdullah! Do you think that those who answer my invitation and rush to help me hope for a share of the world?! Certainly not! They know that I possess nothing of the world to give them, and they will have nothing with me except the vigil of the night and the striving of the day. However, they seek gardens beneath which rivers flow, and they flee from a fire whose fuel is people and stones of sulfur. Or do you think that those who oppose me and help my enemies hope for a share of the Hereafter?! Certainly not! They know that they are siding with the lords of the world and serving the powerful and the wealthy, and there is no share for them in the Hereafter except the fire. Thus, leave people to choose their own path, for they have no choice but to choose.

O Abdullah! We have set out today to settle our debt to the family of Muhammad, and by Allah, we persevere in this task and do not fear the blame of any blamer. Our purpose with this movement is to prepare the ground for the advent of the Mahdi; our purpose is to enable him to attain sovereignty. Whoever is with us today will be with us tomorrow, and tomorrow we will be with the one toward whom we are moving today. Thus, surpass one another—may Allah have mercy on you—for you are the righteous servants of Allah; those who are considered weak on Earth, and Allah wills to bestow His favor upon them and make them inheritors. Surpass one another to help a man who guides you to the best paths, shows you the best methods, and calls you to the best ends, without asking you for any reward or making any claims about himself.

I ask Allah for pardon and forgiveness for myself and for you, and that He places me and you among His helpers and the helpers of His caliph on Earth; for He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and He forgives sin and answers du‘a.

And peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah.

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