Saturday, July 27, 2024 AD / Muharram 21, 1446 AH
Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani
 New saying: A significantly important and enlightening saying from His Eminence about the condition for the Mahdi’s advent. Click here to read it. New question: What does it mean that the Quran is extremely eloquent and rhetorical? It has been said that the Quran contains true reports about the future and hidden sciences at the time of completion. Please provide some examples of these reports and sciences. Click here to read the answer. New critique: Please mention the name of the university or religious school from which His Excellency Khorasani has graduated; because no matter how much I searched, I did not find his name nor his fame as a famous writer, researcher, or religious man in Afghanistan. Click here to read the response. Visit home to read the most important contents of the website. New letter: An excerpt from His Honor’s letter to one of his companions, in which he advises him and frightens him from God. Click here to read it. New lesson: Lessons from His Honor about the fact that the earth is not empty of a man knowledgeable about the entire religion, whom God has appointed as a Caliph, Imam, and guide on it with His command; Authentic Hadiths from the Prophet that indicate it; Hadith No. 11. Click here to read it. New remark: The remark “Inverted era” by “Elias Hakimi” has been published. Click here to read it. New video: A new video with the subject “The Call of Return to God” has been published. Click here to watch it. Visit home to read the most important contents of the website.
Critiques and Responses
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Critiques & responses about Signs of the advent of Mahdi and fitnahs of the end time

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The identity and attributes
When we saw your black flags emerged in Khorasan in order to prepare the ground for the advent of Mahdi and learned about your invitation toward his government apart from that of other people, we were reminded of the words of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family: «إذا رأيتم الرايات السود قد أقبلت من خراسان فأتوها ولو حبوًا على الثلج، فإنّ أصحابها يسألون الحقّ فلا يعطونه، ثمّ يسألونه فلا يعطونه، فيقاتلون فينصرون، فيعطون ما سألوه، فيؤدّونه إلى المهديّ» which means, “When the black flags set off from Khorasan, rush toward them, even though by crawling on snow; for their owners will ask for the truth, but it will not be given to them, then they will ask for it again, but it will not be given to them, then they will fight and win, and what they asked for will be given to them, then they will hand it over to Mahdi”, and in another narration: «تجيء رايات سود من قبل المشرق كأنّ قلوبهم زبر الحديد، فمن سمع بهم فليأتهم، ولو حبوًا على الثلج، فإنّهم أنصار المهديّ في آخر الزمان، يوطّئون له سلطانه» which means, “Black flags will come from the East, as if their hearts are pieces of iron; so whoever hears of them should rush toward them, even though by crawling on snow; for they are the helpers of Mahdi in the end time, who will prepare the ground for his rule”. We hope you are them.
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Attributes and duties of scholars
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Critiques; Return to Islam; Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani