About Allamah Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani may Allah protect him
His Eminence Allamah Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani is a great, righteous scholar in Greater Khorasan. He has an exceptional ideological and jurisprudential school of thought grounded in Islamic certainties and free from conjectural approaches. He has virtuous disciples from various countries. He also has a very rich website that presents his invaluable books, lessons, letters, and sayings, and it responds to people’s questions and critiques on various issues related to beliefs, morals, and jurisprudence, in a wonderfully reasoned manner.
He is a great teacher and a well-wishing inviter who has dedicated his blessed life to reforming the beliefs and deeds of Muslims, as well as combating innovations and deviations in Islamic sects. Currently, he leads a global movement under the slogan “Return to Islam,” symbolized by the black flags of the Prophet. This movement aims to pave the way for the realization of the global government of Allah Almighty through the establishment of the global government of Imam Mahdi as Allah’s caliph on Earth[1]; considering that this revolutionary leader, whom many people hope to be Mansoor al-Khorasani—the owner of the promised black flags in Islamic narrations—firmly believes that the advent of Imam Mahdi
is both possible and certain if he has a sufficient number of righteous helpers, whether he is alive now, as some believe, or will be born at a later time, as others believe. Therefore, he exerts every effort to prepare the ground for his advent by gathering and training a sufficient number of righteous helpers for him, so that it becomes possible to achieve global justice and save humanity from loss, Insha’Allah.
In fact, those who look into the works of this great scholar and other beneficial content published on his website with a discerning and fair eye find him a perfect model of moderation, freedom, rationality, and loyalty to original Islamic principles and goals. Furthermore, upon closer examination, they find him to be the most similar of all people to the righteous predecessors and the most knowledgeable of Muslim scholars in the current era. They also affirm that he does not belong to any government, nation, or sect in the world; because he does not consider any government as legitimate except for the government of Allah and His caliph on Earth[2], nor does he recognize any borders among Muslims, nor does he consider any of the Islamic sects—whether Sunni or Shia—to be perfect and free from flaws, as he believes that all these sects have been tainted—more or less—with certain ideological and jurisprudential innovations and deviations[3]. Therefore, he adheres to and is bound by nothing but the pure and perfect Islam, which, in his view, is a set of beliefs, morals, and rulings that can only be known through adherence to the “Quran”[4] and the “mutawatir Sunnah of the Prophet”[5] in light of the “sound intellect”[6], meaning an intellect free from ignorance, imitation, passions, worldliness, fanaticism, arrogance, and superstitious tendencies, all of which he has explained in his invaluable book Return to Islam[7].
Anyone who observes the high scholarly and spiritual status of this great individual, as well as his global invitation toward Imam Mahdi , might assume he would make claims about himself. However, he does not claim Prophethood, Imamate, or any special divine status for himself. Rather, he explicitly states that he is one of the servants of Allah, who is fulfilling his rational and religious duty to call people to good, enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong. He expects all Muslims around the world to cooperate with him in achieving his sacred goal, which is the goal of Islam, in accordance with the ruling ﴿وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى﴾[8]; “And cooperate in goodness and piety”; as we have said in response to a question in this regard:
It is possible that Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani is the promised Mansoor al-Khorasani, the owner of the black flags promised in Islamic narrations; because there is nothing that prevents this, rationally or religiously, ﴿وَاللَّهُ يَخْتَصُّ بِرَحْمَتِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۚ وَاللَّهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظِيمِ﴾[9]; “and Allah singles out for His mercy whomever He wills, and Allah is the Owner of extreme grace.” However, he does not claim that, nor does he argue with anyone about it, and he prohibits his companions from arguing about it[10]. What is certain, an objective reality, and sufficient to know is that Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani is one of the servants of Allah and the nation of His Prophet, Muhammad . He follows the Quran and the mutawatir Sunnah of the Prophet in the light of the sound intellect. He does not make any claims of prophethood or divine leadership and is not affiliated with any government, sect, or group in the world. He only invites to Allah’s caliph, the Mahdi, and prepares the ground for his advent through cultural activities, such as writing books and engaging in discussions with Muslims. In exchange for this righteous and hard work, he does not ask for any reward from people but only seeks reward with Allah. He does not consume people’s belongings wrongfully, nor does he endanger anyone’s life unjustly, nor does he wrong a small ant or a bigger creature. Therefore, if someone answers his invitation and helps him, he does so because of the truthfulness of his words and the rightfulness of his actions based on rational and religious evidence and with the intention of preparing the ground for the Mahdi’s advent, and if someone does not do so or instead becomes hostile to him, he does not harm him at all but only deprives himself of good or makes himself fall into evil, ﴿وَاللَّهُ بِمَا يَعْمَلُونَ مُحِيطٌ﴾[11]; “and Allah is Fully Aware of what they do.” ... Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani is just a pious, Muslim scholar who prevents Muslims from following unjust and tyrannical rulers, invites them to follow the Mahdi, prohibits them from following conjectures and illusions, enjoins them to follow knowledge and certainty, warns them against ignorance, imitation, passions, worldliness, fanaticism, arrogance, and superstitionism, and urges them to establish the pure and perfect Islam in the light of the Quran, the Sunnah, and the sound intellect.[12]
It should be noted that the only official and reliable source for obtaining more information about the personality, ideas, and activities of this reformist scholar is the “Website for the Office of Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani” (this website).
More information about him can be found in the following sections: