Wednesday, Fabruary 19, 2025 AD / Sha’ban 20, 1446 AH
Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani
 New question: Is jihad the only solution for implementing Sharia and establishing an Islamic government? Click here to read the answer. New saying: A significantly important and enlightening saying from His Eminence about the condition for the Mahdi’s advent. Click here to read it. New critique: Please mention the name of the university or religious school from which His Eminence Khorasani has graduated; because no matter how much I searched, I did not find his name nor his fame as a famous writer, researcher, or religious man in Afghanistan. Click here to read the response. Visit home to read the most important contents of the website. New letter: An excerpt from His Eminence’s letter to one of his companions, in which he advises him and frightens him from Allah. Click here to read it. New lesson: Lessons from His Eminence about the fact that the earth is not empty of a man knowledgeable about the entire religion, whom Allah has appointed as a Caliph, Imam, and guide on it by His command; Authentic Hadiths from the Prophet that indicate it; Hadith No. 11. Click here to read it. New remark: The remark “Inverted era” by “Elias Hakimi” has been published. Click here to read it. New video: A new video with the subject “The Call of Return to Allah” has been published. Click here to watch it. Visit home to read the most important contents of the website.
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Sayings about Marriage, hijab, and sexual relations

Code Number Code Subject
1 54
Rulings; Marriage, hijab, and sexual relations
Eight sayings from His Eminence about the legitimacy of temporary marriage and its rulings
2 55
Rulings; Marriage, hijab, and sexual relations
Three sayings from His Eminence in explaining that marriage solely with the intention of making a woman mahram to others is not valid.
3 56
Rulings; Marriage, hijab, and sexual relations
Two sayings from His Eminence in explaining that the marriage of a virgin without the permission of her guardian is unlawful, but it is valid, and there is nothing wrong with it if the guardian is unjust.
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Download the collection of sayings from Allamah Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani (may Allah protect him)
Sayings; Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani; Return to Islam