Author: Esma’ili Date: 2015-12-26

I am a man of pulpit[1] and one of the devotees of his Excellency Allamah Khorasani may God protect him, and sometimes in my preachings I use luminous sayings and eloquent sermons of this honorable man in order to make people aware of the true teachings of Islam, but unfortunately, considering the existing security conditions in Iran and the poisoned atmosphere they have created against this oppressed scholar, I am not able to mention his Honor’s name and cannot quote these things explicitly from his Honor; especially since there are fanatics among the people of the mosque who, if they hear the name of this honorable man from my mouth, will not even pray behind me anymore and will cause me many problems. However, I sometimes refer to this honorable man in a brief way and say, for example, “In the words of one of the great men” or “In the words of one of the scholars” or “Some wise men have said” and the like, but I do not know whether these hints are enough or not? In any case, my question is whether this is permissible for me, considering that I intend to promote the true teachings of Islam? If not, what should I do?

Thank you and thank this great scholar who is a clear example of «إنّک علی الحقّ المبین»[2] and with his valuable works, he has raised our level of thought and insight toward Islam by several degrees and has corrected our wrong views, especially on the issue of Mahdism, and has started a great and unprecedented cultural revolution in the Islamic world, which promises the global revolution of Mahdi, Insha’Allah.

Answer to question: 1 Date: 2015-12-26

It is gratifying that still among the companions of pulpit, there are few freedmen like your Honor who have not sold their religion to the world and have not followed the demands of oppressors and have not been deceived by the lies of the mercenaries, and in the light of the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet and disregard for the inculcating of this and that, they have insight about the obvious truthfulness of Allamah Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani may God protect him, and the high value of his Honor’s work, and appreciate “the luminous sayings and eloquent sermons of hos Honor” in this famine of wisdom, and think only of “promoting the true teachings of Islam”, but it is unfortunate that the suffocation in Iranian society has reached such a level that people of knowledge do not even dare to name anyone other than rulers and their assistants, and are afraid of naming an independent and Muslim scholar and quoting his knowledge-based and moral sayings; like the suffocation in the Umayyad society, which had prevented the people of knowledge from mentioning the name of Ali ibn Abi Talib and quoting his sayings, and had forced them to fabricate hadith against him to please the rulers, and had created such a polluted and dark atmosphere that the enmity toward him had surrounded the old and the young; to the extent that the Umayyad rulers were considered the legitimate caliphs of the Prophet peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family, and the Ahl al-Bayt of his Excellency were an insurgent and deviant group with false claims, seeking division among Muslims! The same thing continues today, and only the names have changed to be a test for the people. The claimants of absolute guardianship[3] and the inviters toward their own sovereignty are considered the representatives of pure Islam of Muhammad, and the grounds preparer for the advent of Mahdi and the inviter toward the sovereignty of the family of Muhammad peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family, a deviant insurgent with false claims, seeking division among Muslims! The people of knowledge are prevented from mentioning the name of Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani and quoting his sayings, and are forced to fabricate, slander and spread lies against him to please the rulers, and such a polluted and dark atmosphere has been created that the enmity toward him has surrounded the old and the young. Now the work has reached a point where a bunch of stupid and fanatic youths who have neither the benefit of knowledge nor the benefit of politeness, by incitement of their hypocrite and evil leaders, allow all kinds of insults and curses to this oppressed and great scholar, and do not refrain from any insult and defamation toward his pure presence, and imprison and persecute his helpers and the ones who love him; just as their fathers who, by the incitement of the Umayyad rulers, allowed all kinds of insults and curses against Ali ibn Abi Talib, and did not refrain from any insult or defamation against him, and imprisoned and persecuted his helpers and the ones who loved him, whereas this oppressed and great scholar in the manner of Ali ibn Abi Talib, does not speak except on the basis of the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet, and his only crime is to not compromise with the oppressors and to not bow down before Taghuts. Woe to these naive and lowly people who have always been a toy in the hands of the oppressors and supporters of Taghuts against the Ahl al-Bayt of their Prophet, and have trampled the oppressed reformers to please the oppressive rulers!

But your narration from Allamah Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani without mentioning his name or in a brief way out of fear of the Iran sovereignty, is like the narration of some companions and followers from Ali ibn Abi Talib without mentioning his name or in a brief way out of fear of the Umayyad sovereignty; as it is well-known, whenever they wanted to narrate something from his Excellency, they said: “A man from the Quraysh said this” or “A man from the companions said this”, and they did not mention his name, and some have said that whenever they wanted to narrate something from his Excellency, they said: “Abu Zainab said so”, so that no one would understand that they meant Ali ibn Abi Talib[4], and with this description, if their action is considered correct, your action is also correct; except that it seems their actions is considered correct; because although it protected their lives and wealth from the harm of the oppressors, it helped the survival of the oppressors sovereignty and led the new generations of Muslims who were not familiar with the records of Ali ibn Abi Talib to deviate from him, and accordingly it was considered an example of concealing the verses of God and covering the truth with falsehood, and in fact it was what the oppressive rulers wanted. Hence, among the companions and followers, there were freedmen who, in spite of the pressures and threats of the oppressive rulers, mentioned the name of Ali and narrated his virtues and sacrificed their lives and wealth in this way, and without a doubt if they were not there, his name and his virtues would become forgotten and there would remain no possibility to guide the posterity, and thus, the purpose of the oppressive rulers would become fulfilled.

It is hereby understood that quoting the sayings of his Honor Allamah Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani may God protect him, without mentioning his name and in a brief way, especially at this critical time, is not appropriate and it is considered as an example of concealing the truth and covering it with falsehood, rather it is obligatory there be ones among people who sacrifice their lives and wealth for God and break the oppressive norms of the oppressors and do what is more unpleasant and more difficult for them, so that with the will and efforts of these free people, the polluted and dark atmosphere change and the grounds for awakening the Muslims of the world be provided and the Word of God comes true that has said: ﴿يُرِيدُونَ لِيُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَاللَّهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ﴾[5]; “They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, whereas God perfect His light, even though disbelievers hate it”.

Based on this, we advise all Muslim preachers, thinkers and writers to remember God and the Day of Judgment, and to not be afraid to mention the name of this great man, and to not be afraid of quoting his knowledge-based and moral sayings, and to not dance with whatever tune the bullies play, and to not accept such humiliation and disgrace for themselves; for the life of this world is too short that in order to maintain it, they conceal a truth or to cover it with a falsehood, and the end is for the pious, neither for the arrogant nor for the self-sold.

↑[1] . [Translator note: minbar or mimbar, a place in mosques where Imam or clergyman stands to deliver sermons.]
↑[2] . [Translator note: Quran: An-Naml, 79; “Indeed, you are upon the clear truth.”]
↑[3] . [Translator note: Willayah (ولاية)]
↑[4] . See: Tabari, Al-Mustarshid, p. 676; Mufid, Al-Irshad, Vol. 1, p. 310; Ibn ShahrAshub, Manaqib Al’i Abi Talib, Vol. 2, p. 174.
↑[5] . As-Saff/ 8