Author: Reza Razi Date: 2015-12-07

Please tell me, in order to be informed about religious issues and merely jurisprudential laws, can I refer to Mr. Bahjat or Sistani’s treatise[1]?

Does Allameh have not a treatise?

Answer to question: 6 Date: 2015-12-17

Following one’s fatwa[2] without knowing his reason is considered blindly imitation, which is not permissible and with this description, acting upon treaties, which are collections of fatwas of Shia jurists without mentioning their reasons, is not sufficient and there is no choice for the obliged person, in order to be saved from the punishment, except to make the effort and by inference from Quran and Sunnah in the light of common sense or impeachment of just and independent jurists, knows the reason for each fatwa, so that if it is certain acts upon it, and if it is not certain, on the one hand tries to access the Caliph of God, and on the other hand turns to primary and practical principles.

This is all duty of the obliged in connection with Islamic laws, and any ruler or jurist who prevents them from performing this duty and calls them to imitate themselves is an example of Taghut, and imitating him is considered worshiping Taghut, which is not permissible, and accordingly It is obligatory for the obliged to reform him by observing the levels of enjoining Good and forbidding evil.

It is hereby understood that his Excellency Allamah Mansoor Hashemi Khorasani may God protect him, does not have any treatise and it is beneath his dignity to have such a treatise and with this description, acting upon his fatwas is permissible either by having the knowledge of their reasons from Quran and Sunnah in the light of intellect or by having the knowledge of them revealing the fatwas of Mahdi after having the knowledge of his complete obedience to his Excellency, although his complete obedience to his Excellency includes refraining from giving fatwas without reasoning too, and therefore, no fatwa from him without mentioning its reasons is published. Accordingly, you can send your questions from his Honor about Islamic laws to this cultural website so that by mentioning its reasons from Quran and Sunnah in the light of intellect, it will be answered, Insha’Allah.

↑[1] . [Translator note: Risalah Amaliyyah, also known as collections of juridical edicts or clarifications of questions.]
↑[2] . [Translator note: An official statement or order from an Islamic religious leader.]